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Monday, 4 February 2013

Last Call For Skills DVDs!!!

This is a heads up for my skills DVDs being no longer available very soon. The company who sells these take them off the market if they are not selling over a period of 240 days, mine have not sold over the past 240 days despite the excellent reviews. So if you were thinking of getting any, now is the time!

Zoom in (real dimensions: 1022 x 443)Image

Muzzle-Loaders and More will be the first to go because it has not sold over the past 244 days. Believe me, I make no profit from these DVDs if you include my time. I could order one myself to keep these going, but frankly that would reduce my earnings to zero and if they are just not selling I don't see the point. 
Regards to all, Keith.

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